mandag, mars 26, 2012

SeogHør for P2-segmentet 2

Hva er ikke nettopp SeogHør for P2-segmentet om ikke artikkelen i denne ukas søndagsutgave av New York Times

From Exile to Everywhere

Once forced into hiding by death threats, Salman Rushdie is now an indefatigable presence on the New York social scene.

Søndagsavisa gir oss oversikt over premierer og promomiddager Salman har vært guest of honor på de siste dagene, Salman Rushdie har nær Union Square de siste 12 årene.

Vi får oversikt over koner(4), girlfriends og dater med ekstra gossip om den siste som twitret og facebooket og som han kjølte ned med at hun bare var en casual acquaintance.

Men først:

It was the second party that night for Mr. Rushdie, 64, who earlier in the evening could be found chatting with Diane Von Furstenberg at a downtown show for the artist Ouattara Watts, hosted by Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld, one of his gallerists.

At Junoon, after plates of baby eggplant and lamb were scraped clean, Mr. Rushdie grabbed an iPad and read aloud his short story “In the South,” which appeared in The New Yorker in 2009 and which Booktrack had scored to original music played by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.

After he finished, Mr. Rushdie approached a long-legged, slim brunet woman sitting at the end of a long table. “How did I do?” Mr. Rushdie asked. She cooed over the recitation, and he thanked her for coming. As he walked away, she turned to a fellow partygoer. “It’s nice to see him out, isn’t it?” she said.

Perhaps a more apt question would be: where haven’t New Yorkers seen Mr. Rushdie lately?

Å, den syrlige tonen,
hvor deilig kan den ikke være å lese

Over med Courtney Love.

But perhaps his most scrutinized relationship was with Ms. Lakshmi, a former model and sometime actress to whom he was married for four years. Since their split, he has been linked to a number of attractive young women.

Friends say he once dated Michelle Barish, the socialite and former wife of the nightclub promoter Chris Barish. The actress Pia Glenn has spoken publicly of a relationship with Mr. Rushdie. And last November, Devorah Rose, an aspiring reality television actress and magazine editor who chronicles society in the Hamptons, posted a photograph on Twitter of her and the author at dinner. “Great times w @SalmanRushdie,” Ms. Rose tweeted. “Come back to the states soon so that we can have a do-over.”

What followed between Ms. Rose and Mr. Rushdie was catnip for gossips. Mr. Rushdie told The Post that Ms. Rose was a casual acquaintance. Ms. Rose shot back that Mr. Rushdie pursued her romantically, and provided messages he sent her on Facebook for publication on the gossip Web site, according to the site.

Ms. Rose og Salman.
Her er hele artikkelen i New York Times.
SeogHør for P2-segmentet: Susan Sontag