fredag, desember 26, 2008

Eartha Kitt

Det er stor forskjell på hvilke deler av Eartha Kitts bakgrunn avisene velger å ta med. Voice of America skriver om voldtekten av Earthas mor, New York Times skriver at Earthas mor ikke kjente Earthas far så godt.. the Guardian at Eartha Kitt ikke hadde fødselsattesten sin,
Dagbladet forteller at faren var hvit.

Faren var ikke bare white,

han var plantasjeeierens sønn og voldtok Eartha Kitts mor,
hun var 14 år gammel.

Eartha var "uekte og bastard" og da hun var 8 her mother married a man who did not want Eartha around -- "the little yellow girl,"
he called her. Eartha ended up in New York with an aunt,
and she often said the abandonment marked her forever.
Underneath her glamorous stage persona, she said, was her real self, Eartha Mae, who didn't want to be seen.

In 1968 she was invited to a White House luncheon and was asked by Lady Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War.

She replied: “You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot.”

The remark reportedly caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears and led to a derailment in Ms. Kitt’s career. As bookings dried up, she was exiled in Europe for almost a decade. President Jimmy Carter invited her back to the White House in 1978.

Her er et kort intervju med Eartha Kitt fra 1989 da hun samarbeidet med Bronski Beat, jeg likte the tounge in the cheek-ism of the song sa hun.

2 Kommentarer:

Blogger Astri Ulland sa ...

Takk for fin appetittvekker!

(Mens julematen fordøyes...)

26 desember, 2008 17:47  
Blogger ogjegbare sa ...

Og hos VG Nett er hun kattekvinnen.

26 desember, 2008 20:45  

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